Precinct Project –
Democratic and Republican Party leaders control virtually every county in the USA and are working against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Liberty fighters! Get involved as Precinct Leaders in your county, in the party of your choice, or as independents. The precinct leaders elect the county party leaders who endorse the candidates. Change the party leaders, change the lawmakers, and restore the Constitution; (Read our 7 Liberty Principles)
This is how we take back the nation for Liberty,
precinct by precinct, county by county, and state by state.
There is The Plan to Take Back the Republic!
You can also join other clubs and groups and/or make your own! We have started off with a few liberty groups outside of the Precinct Takeover Strategy to help get us started, such as the Constitution and Second Amendment Clubs, a Prepper Club including an In-Depth Preparedness course, along with a HAM Radio Club, but again, feel free to make your own groups and clubs.
Unlike other well-funded “Liberty” organizations, this grassroots network wants to facilitate open communication among ALL members, so we can get organized and take real, meaningful action; the members ARE in essence the network itself!
Passing around real news is a start, not a plan. Let’s constitutionally takeover the criminals in DC.

Network America believes that the 7 Principles developed by Guardians for Liberty will provide a sound basis which will also ensure the widest possible participation in the Precinct Takeover
You can study the 7 Principles at